By Tim O’Connell, Executive Director of North Carolina Retired Governmental Employees’ Association | March 30, 2023
On behalf of our association’s close to 66,000 members, we want to thank the efforts of both the executive branch and our House legislative leadership for including a 2 percent recurring cost of living adjustment for state government retirees and retired educators. If fully approved, the recurring adjustment will be distributed one percent per biennium year. Government retirees are the unsung heroes of our North Carolina, building a state that remains prosperous, safe, clean, and desirable for families to lead healthy, high-quality lives.
Today, the State House of the North Carolina General Assembly released its anticipated budget, an almost $30 billion budget providing raises for active state government employees and educators and rainy day funds to protect against our challenging, unbridled current inflationary economic environment.
While we have made tremendous progress, we at the NCRGEA will continue to fight for these dedicated women and men, both our local and state government retirees and stay a resource for executive and legislative leadership in providing this most critical relief.
Our elected officials recognized the plight of retirees and have also provided raises to help our future retirees have a better quality of life in retirement.