All Ages, All Stages NC- invitation to join the effort!
Tracie Eubank
July 6, 2023
Posted on behalf of Joyce Massey-Smith, Director, NCDHHS Division of Aging and Adult Services

Dear partners,
By now many of you have heard about Governor Cooper’s Executive Order 280, NC’s Commitment to Building an Age-Friendly State, which calls upon NC DHHS to develop a multisector plan for aging (MPA). A MPA kick-off event was held June 5th and we thank all who participated! During this event, we unveiled NC’s MPA: All Ages, All Stages NC and encouraged all interested people to join our effort.
We are excited to announce we are now accepting members to our stakeholder workgroups! The stakeholder workgroups will meet monthly to identify key issues and develop recommendations. We are seeking diverse membership to ensure all voices are heard throughout this process. It is not necessary that you be a subject-matter expert in a specific area, but rather that you bring your enthusiasm and ideas. We are also looking for a few more people to join the All Ages, All Stages NC steering committee.
To join a workgroup or to apply to be considered as a member of the steering committee, click HERE by Monday, July 10th.
To learn more about this initiative, please visit our All Ages, All Stages NC webpage, where you can find slides from the kick-off event, a timeline, and much more. Feel free to forward this email as appropriate. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to hearing from you soon!
Joyce Massey-Smith, MPA
Cell: 919-855-3400
693 Palmer Drive, Taylor Hall
2101 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-2101