Meet Jackie Rogers, our July Trivia winner. She resides in Boiling Spring Lakes, NC, which is between Southport and Wilmington. Her immediate family consists of a son, a daughter-in-law, and a 14-month-old granddaughter, but she also has many 4-legged grandkids, a sister, and two brothers.
Jackie retired in 2016 from the Brunswick County Department of Social Services and also became a member of NCRGEA that same year. What she likes most about being a member is the availability of important information
via the association’s website and its YouTube presentations. She hopes we can return to in-person district meetings in the near future.
The best thing about her retirement is no more alarm clock; in other words, she is on “Jackie time.” She walks every morning after breakfast, trying to keep in step with her favorite quote, “If you don’t take time for your health today, you will have to make time for your illness tomorrow.”
Her four favorite comic strips are Dennis the Menace, Zits, Pluggers, and Pickles. The first two comics bring back
treasured memories of her parenting days, and the last two are guaranteed to cause a chuckle or two. She also has a turtle figurine collection, which prompts her to slow down and enjoy the journey of retirement.
As a former employee of the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention in Atlanta, she browsed its website for information during the pandemic. The hardest part for her was when she was not able to attend church in person for an entire year but was grateful to be able to view it online. When Jackie kept seeing face masks on the ground, she decided she would keep a record. At the beginning of August, the total was at 202.