The North Carolina Department of Revenue (NCDOR) announced today that it will extend the April 15 tax filing and payment deadline to May 17, 2021, for individual income tax to mirror the announced deadline change from the Internal Revenue Service.
“In order for taxpayers to have more time to navigate the tax changes during this pandemic, North Carolina will mirror the IRS change as much as possible under current state law,” said Secretary Ronald G. Penny. “The Governor and the legislative leadership have indicated their willingness to work with us to address issues that will need law changes.”
Penny, under his statutory authority, will automatically extend the time for filing North Carolina individual income tax to May 17, 2021. With the move to May 17, the NCDOR will not charge penalties for those filing and paying their taxes after April 15, 2021, as long as they file and pay their tax before May 17, 2021.
Unless state law is changed, tax payments received after April 15 will be charged interest, accruing from April 15 until the date of payment. The deadline extension only applies to individual income tax returns due April 15, 2021. It does not apply to trust taxes such as sales and use or withholding taxes or estimated tax payments due April 15, 2021.
The NCDOR will issue official notification and guidance in the near future.