Who Gets the Call? Are Your Emergency Contacts Up To Date?

Nobody wants to think about a medical emergency happening to them. But everyone needs to recognize the importance of being prepared.

No matter your age or how healthy you are, emergency contacts are one of the most important ways to be ready in case of a medical emergency. After all, unforeseen events like car accidents, severe weather events, or natural disasters can happen to anyone, anytime. An emergency contact is more than a formality when filling out enrollment forms or completing paperwork at a doctor’s office. Immediate health issues might necessitate quick communication with family or specific healthcare professionals in times of need.

How to Choose Your Emergency Contact:

Having reliable emergency contacts can act as a safety net. Your emergency contact list should be people who:

  • Are close to you, you trust, and know your needs and wants.
  • Can talk knowledgeably to medical professionals about your medical history, current medications allergies, and chronic conditions.
  • Can make critical, life-saving medical decisions.
  • Is willing and mentally fit to take on the responsibility.
  • Also has the legal right to act on your behalf.
  • Can provide emotional support and comfort in times of distress.

How to Ensure a Reliable Emergency Contact

  • Regularly Update Information: Contacts might change over time. Whether it is a change in phone number or someone else becoming the primary point of contact, be sure to keep the information up to date.
  • Multiple Contacts: Having more than one emergency contact is always a good idea. This increases the chances of reaching someone quickly during urgent situations.
  • Clarify Roles: Clearly outline what each emergency contact is responsible for. For instance, one might be the primary contact for medical decisions, while another could be for logistical or day-to-day concerns.

The importance of emergency contacts cannot be overstated. These contacts serve as a bridge, ensuring you are always connected to loved ones and receive the care and support you need, no matter the situation. By maintaining updated and reliable emergency contacts, you can ensure the well-being and peace of mind. Likewise, being prepared for the cost of emergency medical transportation also can’t be overstated. A ground ambulance or air transport could cost thousands of dollars. Medicare may not cover this. Medical Air Services Association (MASA) provides the MASA Emergency Shield Plan for lifesaving emergency transportation services. Services are paid in full, with no deductibles, co-pays, or dollar limits. Whether you’re home or traveling, MASA Emergency Shield covers your ambulance or airlift, regardless of your age or medical condition. Plus, you can get your plan through a trusted source: NCRGEA and AMBA. Get your plan now at www.AMBAmedtransport.com/NCRGEA or call 800-956-1228.

Planning Your Next Great Adventure? Try These Tips from A Personal Travel Coach.

There are sports coaches. Life coaches. And career coaches.

But a travel coach?

Formerly a travel writer, Dylan Essertier now works with people seeking travel experiences that go beyond the ordinary vacation.

“I searched for a travel advisor who would speak to ‘a woman like me’—someone who didn’t just want to escape through travels but use that time away to help me move toward my long-term goals,” she says.

She couldn’t find that kind of coach, so she became one herself.

“It wasn’t until the past five years that travel coaching has really taken off,” says Michael Bennet, co-founder of the Transformational Travel Council. He attributes the demand to the growth of the personal development industry and the increasing popularity of experiential adventures. Travelers are becoming more interested in the why and how of travel than the what and where.

 “Many of my clients are less interested in sitting on a beach and forgetting their life back home,” adds Essertier. “They want to reflect, learn, reset and figure out what really matters to them.”

The transformational power of travel has been documented since Homer wrote the Odyssey. Modern travelers interested in the inner journey can relate to books like Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck and more recently, Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. Here are a few tips from Essertier for planning a meaningful trip:

• Instead of “Where do I want to go?” start by asking yourself, “What do I want to feel?”

• Be specific about how you want to feel. If you want to feel unburdened, for example, this may encourage you to pack light, turn off your phone, and not schedule something every minute.

• Journal daily. Before going to sleep, write down the day’s high points, low points or any experiences that feel new or interesting to you.

It’s also wise to eliminate any unnecessary medical worries. Medical Air Services Association (MASA) covers best-in-class emergency air and ground transport 24/7 from home or anywhere in the world, plus transportation of vehicles, children, grandchildren, and even pets at no additional cost. With MASA, there are no premiums, deductibles or other hassles. Pay once and you’re covered. Ask an AMBA agent about an emergency transport policy endorsed by your association. Learn more online or call 866-979-0497.

When you’re away from home, peace of mind is primary. As Essertier says, “Putting yourself in the right mindset is the key to planning travel that transforms you.”

SOURCE: https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurabegleybloom/2020/02/04/personal-travel-coach-hot-trend-2020/#6d321bda665f

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