Spring Edition 2024 | Living Power Magazine

How Civic Federal Credit Union and Local Government Federal Credit Union Put Members First

Civic Van

Throughout her career as a certified public accountant, Jeanne Erwin had the opportunity to see the
impact of local government employees up close. Working in a number of roles with the Town of Chapel Hill, Durham County, Durham Public Schools, and the City of Raleigh, Erwin witnessed the
way civic employees work to keep the vital services and programs in their cities running.

“The water we drink, the streets we drive on, the police and fi re protection we rely on, just to name a few—local governments provide these and many other services every day,” she says. “I saw this very clearly in the work that I did during my employment in local government. In appreciation for their service to the citizens of our state, I wanted to give back and help in some way to make the lives of our local government employees and retirees better.”

And Erwin knew exactly how to do that: Serving on the board of directors for the Civic Federal Credit Union and the Local Government Federal Credit Union (LGFCU). She currently serves as the chair of Civic’s board and as treasurer on the LGFCU board. Civic Federal Credit Union and LGFCU are financial cooperatives owned by the institutions’ members. LGFCU was founded in 1983 in relationship with State Employees’ Credit Union to serve local government employees and officials. Civic Federal Credit Union was founded in 2018 by staff and volunteers of LGFCU to meet the needs
of members that they were not able to address in their current LGFCU business model. Civic was built, through listening to local government employees and members, as a digital-first institution to serve those employees and small businesses.

“Credit unions are not-for-profit organizations—this means that profit generated is put back into the
membership, rather than toward payment to stockholders, as in a traditional banking model,” says Ashley Ruffin, chief impact officer, Civic Federal Credit Union and LGFCU. “Th is can show up for the membership in the form of lower rates on loans and/or higher rates on deposits, as examples.”

Civic Federal Credit Union and LGFCU go beyond the basic credit union services in their pursuit to
support local government employees. Th e organizations take an equitable approach to lending, making funds available to those who may be overlooked by traditional banks.

“A high percentage of our loans are made in areas that are underbanked or underserved,” Erwin says. “We work to ensure that all our members have every possible opportunity to get the loans that they need and to have products and services available to improve their financial wellbeing.”

With Civic Federal Credit Union’s digitally-focused model, that means members who may not have a local branch or transportation to an in-person location can use the institution’s robust website or app to apply for loans, open accounts, and perform other financial business. Phone and video call assistance, chat, and education opportunities are available for members who need guidance with the online process.

“Our digital platform is built to modify as technology advances in our financial world,” Erwin says. “We are here for our members—now and in the future.”

Civic Local Foundation

CIVIC Foundation

Civic Federal Credit Union and LGFCU are also there for communities across the state. With the Civic Local Foundation, both entities offer student scholarships, nonprofit grants, and other monetary support to local groups and individuals. Th e foundation focuses on bridging gaps in healthcare, housing, human services, and hunger.

“As a values-based cooperative, we strive to help our communities thrive today and tomorrow,” Erwin
says. “Together with partners such as the School of Government, the NC Association of County
Commissioners, and the NC League of Municipalities, we participate in projects to improve our communities and provide scholarships for training programs for local government employees and elected officials.”

Part of Civic Federal Credit Union’s mission to be there for members includes establishing regional branches, as well as shared sites in government buildings and other in-person options. In 2024, Civic will open 11 branches across the state in Ahoskie, Asheville, Charlotte, Durham, Greenville, Hickory, Kernersville, Lumberton, Murphy, Raleigh, and Wilmington.

Those new locations will carry on many of the planet-friendly practices at Civic Federal Credit Union’s LEED Gold-certified Raleigh headquarters, which plays an important role in the organization’s 2020 certification of carbon-neutral status. Civic achieved that through a number of measures, including its energy-efficient headquarters, as well as other operational and transportation decisions designed to reduce their impact on the environment.

“Our commitment is to the triple bottom line—people, planet, and prosperity,” Erwin says. “This means people first, care for our planet, and prosperity for all. This is in our DNA.”

Changes for LGFCU

Change is also on the horizon for LGFCU. The organization will officially become independent of SECU
in June 2025, a move that was intended for LGFCU since its inception. “We have enjoyed a long-standing, supportive, and mutually beneficial relationship with SECU, and are grateful for their service to our members,” Ruffin says. “As two separate credit unions, often our memberships
want and/or need different things, whether that be products and services or delivery channels. The world of financial services is rapidly changing, and our members have many choices in where to do business. Digital-first allows us to give more to the members as fewer branches means lower overhead which means more to invest in new technology and updated services. It’s important that we
offer the products and services that our membership tells us they want, when they want, in the ways they want.”

But no matter how Civic Federal Credit Union and LGFCU evolve in the future, one thing will always remain the same: The organizations’ focus on serving North Carolina local government and their members.

“To put members first means to have our members’ wellbeing at the forefront of every decision that we make,” Erwin says. “Our mission is to improve the lives of our members. This means that we approach every decision regarding our products and services by asking ourselves if this decision will be the best decision for our members.”

CenterWell is Senior-Focused Health Care

By Gregory Lavins, MD | CenterWell Senior Primary Care Roxboro

Spring 2024 | Living Power Magazine

Gregory Lavins

I care for a patient who is a lifelong smoker and never had a lung cancer screening, fearing that the screening would lead to unexpected bills and hospital charges. I spent a great deal of time with her, explaining the importance of the screening and collaborating with my care team to ensure a smooth process and cost transparency. As a result, we discovered a small lung cancer in its early and treatable stage. Having that time and those meaningful conversations prevented further progression of a potentially fatal disease. That’s a level of care I’m proud of and for which my patients are grateful.

This is possible, thanks to the senior-focused care model at CenterWell Senior Primary Care where I practice medicine.

America is a rapidly aging nation. By 2034, there will be an estimated 77 million Americans aged 65 years or older. For the first time in the country’s history, older adults will outnumber children. It’s the same in North Carolina, where we are 8th in the United States in number of people 65 and older. In 2020, one in six North Carolinians was 65 and older, and by 2031, there will be more people 65 and older in our state than children.

As our older population grows, so do their age-related medical needs, which necessitates a new approach to health care.

CenterWell Senior Primary Care is Value-Based Care

CenterWell Senior Primary Care’s value-based care model is whole-person health care that emphasizes quality of care and health improvements. This plus our focus on preventive care to get and keep patients as healthy as possible is shown to reduce hospitalizations and emergency room visits for seniors.

CenterWell physicians are specially trained to treat seniors and work as part of a multidisciplinary team that includes social workers, pharmacists, nurse care coordinators, referral coordinators, and behavioral health specialists, who together help care for the patient’s physical and mental health.

It’s a comprehensive, team-based approach that not only treats the patient’s medical needs, but also the underlying issues affecting their health. While today’s seniors enjoy longer, more independent lives, most are living with multiple chronic health conditions. Nearly 80% of older adults have two or more ongoing health problems and almost all take a prescription drug, with nearly 40% regularly using five different medications.

Giving seniors the time and attention they deserve

CenterWell Senior Primary Care’s centers give doctors more time to spend with patients—up to 50% more time than typical providers. Getting to the root causes of patients’ individual situations often requires time to engage and reach a level of comfort where they are able to share and open up about the challenges they face.

CenterWell’s care team model empowers us to tackle the everyday challenges our patients encounter. It prioritizes the personal interactions between physicians and patients that enable us to build trusting relationships. Because I have extra time with patients, I’m able to understand them on a deeper level and tailor care to their unique needs. This personalized approach fosters better patient engagement and, ultimately, leads to more successful outcomes.

Providing more than medical care

Centerwell front desk

Addressing senior health also requires examining emotional concerns and socioeconomic factors. For older patients, attending to basic everyday needs and emotional concerns can be just as vital as treating their medical conditions. In fact, there’s strong evidence that people’s financial resources and living environment have even more of an impact on the state of their health than the medical treatment they receive. That’s especially true for older adults who live on a fixed income and have multiple health problems.

The care teams at CenterWell work to address any socioeconomic factors that may be impacting seniors’ wellbeing, including emotional, cognitive, and nutritional issues, as well as physical limitations.

There are more than 16.5 million American seniors who struggle financially, and many are food insecure. This unfortunate reality increases their risk for a number of serious health conditions, including diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and depression. To improve the lives of older adults, it’s imperative we address these social determinants of health, such as food or housing insecurity and lack of access to transportation, along with mental health concerns.

The combination of these factors can add up to a complicated health picture requiring the kind of personalized medical care that we offer at CenterWell Senior Primary Care. Senior-focused primary care is CenterWell’s approach to providing the health care that seniors need to help them lead their healthiest lives possible. It’s what made all the difference for my patient with lung cancer.

Centerwell team

Aging Well in North Carolina

by Deryl Davis Fulmer, PhD | Spring 2024 Living Power Magazine

Deryl speaks with members

I don’t know if you have heard, but North Carolina’s aging population is growing! The U.S. Census Bureau projects that by 2040, North Carolina will be home to 2.7 million adults 65 years and older, a 52% jump from 2020 data showing 1.8 million older adults in the state. With advancements in healthcare, people are living longer and seeking not just longevity but a fulfilling quality of life. NCRGEA is working with the General Assembly, the North Carolina Coalition on Aging, and other organizations to help make North Carolina the best place to live and age.  

Virtual Lunch & Learns are held monthly on Wednesdays from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Through this virtual webinar series, NCRGEA brings pertinent information into your homes to help you stay current on important activities and topics that affect your lives as retirees. We began these webinars last June, launching our series with the presentation “Aging Un-Lonely” by Dr. Megan Smith with UNC-Charlotte, Rebecca Freeman from the N.C. Department of Adult and Aging Services, and Dr. Cheryl Greenberg with AARP.

Since then, we have held 11 sessions, including three sessions from the Social Security Administration and three sessions from the NCRGEA on our 2024 legislative and advocacy priorities, the LGERS pension, as well as the briefing “The Letter,” on how to organize your last wishes to help ensure they are fulfilled. Our friends at the State Employees Credit Union gave a session on estate planning. Earlier, Aetna and the State Health Plan gave a session on Aetna’s role as the third-party administrator starting in 2025, and our partner AMBA presented two sessions, one on your free benefit, the Passport Saving program, and one on long-term care plans. To help you with your taxes, the NC Department of Revenue presented a session on preparing your state income taxes in February. Humana just presented their “Battling the Aging Brain” webinar.

These webinars have been well received, with more than 2,000 members and others attending them.

You can view most of these webinars by visiting our NCRGEA YouTube channel. Due to the presenter’s guidelines, some webinars were not recorded.

Stay tuned for Lunch & Learn webinars on Caregiver Support, Alzheimer’s, De-Prescription, and many more. If you have an idea for a presentation for this series, please reach out to me at

Meals on Wheels’ March for Meals Champions Week was a great success again this year as NCRGEA signed up more than 170 volunteers during the week of March 18th-22nd to help pack and deliver meals for people all across the state needing these services.

As a token of our gratitude, NCRGEA sent folks who signed up t-shirts to wear while volunteering. If you are still interested in volunteering with Meals on Wheels, please reach out to your local Meals on Wheels and sign up. Many NCRGEA members volunteer throughout the year.

Comments such as this one from P. Britton says it all, “I have been delivering meals since I retired. It is a very rewarding experience for me. I have always loved my people on my route, and I am always sad when I lose a person, but then I become close to my new ones. I hope many others will join Meals on Wheels wherever they are.”

NCRGEA and Meals on Wheels stand together to address the growing need for food in North Carolina. A big THANK YOU to each of you who participated and or donated! We are grateful for your service as you continue to be active and engaged in your communities!

The Community Advisory Boards (CABs) are up and running in all nine districts.  Each of the CABs have Chairs and /or Co-chairs who are ready and willing to work to enhance retirement across the state.  I am excited to announce the following individuals who have volunteered to serve in this role.  They are:

  • District 1: Angelina Spencer  
  • District 2: Debbie Cox
  • District 3: Lisa Ward 
  • District 4: Ed McBride
  • District 5: Elijah Freeman and Darlene Spellman
  • District 6: A. Leon Miller
  • District 7: Earl Moore
  • District 8: Phyllis Fulton and Gary Ackley
  •  District 9: Sallie Price

Some of the districts have already begun working on in-person activities for members to participate. Examples include, an event is being planned in District 4 to visit the historical Bennett Place in Durham.  In District 3, plans to partner with a Food Bank and to set up monthly lunchtime talks for members to connect have stared, and in District 2, plans are underway to schedule a walk in Pilot Mountain to get to know one another and to have some fun!

Thanks to the chairs/co-chairs for their excitement and energy to get these activities off the ground!  Please stay tuned for activities in your respective localities as we work together to keep everyone active, engaged and informed. 

Check out our website at and NCRGEA Facebook page to stay up-to-date!  As always, if you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at

Women in Public Service

Spring Edition 2024 | Living Power Magazine

How Cutting Pension Benefits Hits Women Retirees Hardest in North Carolina

In 1980, Shirley Snelling was a 28-year-old single mother who was tired of being on welfare because her full-time job as a pharmacy technician didn’t pay enough. She applied for a better-paying job with the city of Raleigh, and on her 29th birthday, she joined the police academy to become a Raleigh police officer.
“It wasn’t easy, but I pushed to make it through,” Snelling says. “I went from making $10,000 to $19,000 a year, and it seemed like every six months I was getting a raise. I had never made that much money in my life. And as a police officer, I felt I made a difference in the community and department.”
Snelling worked 19 years with the Raleigh Police until she retired for medical reasons. Throughout her career, Snelling had numerous roles. She served as a patrol officer, responded to calls from people reporting crimes, and worked as an undercover officer. In community service roles, she helped set up neighborhood watch programs and worked with schools as a Drug Abuse Resistance Education Program (DARE) officer.
“That was probably one of my most rewarding positions I had there, interacting with the fifth graders and the children,” Snelling says. “(The kids) were only looking for love.”
And the pay and benefits brought Snelling out of poverty. “It helped me to live a productive life,” she says. “I didn’t get too far over my head in debt, and the pension plan and Social Security that I get help quite a bit.

How do pension benefits impact women?

Women now make up the majority—
52%—of North Carolina’s public service
workforce, retirees, and the population
of North Carolina as a whole. With the
Office of State Budget and Management
estimating the number of women in
North Carolina over the age of 65 to grow
by 378,000, or 33%, over the next 15 years, the number of female governmental
retirees will likely reflect similar percentage growth rates.

Graph Female Population NC

In January 2024, the state retirement plan had 370,881 people drawing pensions, according to the State Treasurer’s Office. Of these, 227,240, or more than 61%, were women. It said 143,237 (almost 39%) were men. Further, a 2020 US Department of Health and Human Services study indicated that one in three women over 65 lives in a single-person household compared to one in five men in the same age demographic.

Interestingly, marriage may have a mixed impact on a woman’s retirement.

“When a male and female married couple retires, the husband is more likely to get sick, run up high medical expenses, run up nursing home expenses, and die before the wife does,” says Tyler Bond, research director at the National Institute on Retirement Security. “That could leave the wife with little money left for her final years. “Whereas, if she had a pension—either that she earned on her own or that she received when her spouse died— then that still provides that reliable monthly benefit that she can’t outlive. So that would make it easier for her to maintain her standard of living.”

A study published in September 2023 by retirement researcher Nari Rhee of the University of California Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education said retired women in households where they or a family member have a pension are better off economically than those in a household where no one has a pension. Specifically, 88% of women in households with pensions were at least 200% above the federal poverty level, compared to only 58% of women without pensions who were 200% above the poverty level. The 2024 federal poverty level for a one-person household is $15,060. State Treasurer Dale Folwell, who oversees the state pension and health plans, says pensions are critical for female employees and retirees.

“I can’t do anything about the fact that women were underpaid for a large part of my life,” he says. “So, I think this retirement benefit is more important than ever to someone who has been underpaid and is going to live longer.”

As North Carolina’s leaders reduce and remove retirement benefits offered to state employees, all will feel the impact, but more so women, due to historically lower lifetime pay for the female workforce. Combine this with the fact that some women may have reduced career longevity due to caretaking duties at various times in their lives, and you begin to see the larger concern. A 2020 study conducted by AARP found that six out of 10 caretakers of an aging spouse or parent were women.

With the aging of North Carolina, this noble and needed caretaking role will continue to grow. Meanwhile, the lower pay and more time away from work will continue to make it harder for women to build a retirement nest egg.

What retirement benefits have North Carolina lawmakers eliminated?

Current state retirees and most future retirees are grandfathered into the state retirement benefits that existed when they were hired. These retirees will continue to receive the retirement benefits that have been in place for decades. But as time goes on, a growing number of newer state employees—highway patrol troopers, hospital employees, teachers, transportation workers, park rangers, court clerks, and many others who bring services to the public—are getting left out.


First, the North Carolina General Assembly voted in 2017 to stop offering retiree health insurance to state employees hired on or after Jan. 1, 2021. People hired prior to that date get state-provided health insurance when they retire; those hired after will not.

Second, in 2023 the General Assembly voted to quit offering pensions to new employees at UNC Health and ECU Health, the regional hospital systems based at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and at East Carolina University in Greenville.

As of Jan. 1, 2024, new employees at UNC Health and ECU Health may participate in investment-based retirement programs their agencies offer. But they are barred from the Teachers’ and State Employees’ Retirement System (TSERS).

That means fewer people will contribute 6% of their salaries to the retirement system pension. And UNC Health and ECU Health won’t contribute at all.

How important have these benefits been for women who have retired from state and local government service in North Carolina? Living Power spoke to two more retirees for their thoughts.

Henrietta Saunders

Henrietta Saunders: Benefits keep good people

When Henrietta Saunders was in her 40s, she left a job at a bank for better pay as a Mecklenburg County sheriff’s deputy. She was assigned to the county detention center and stayed more than 20 years, striving to keep peace among inmates who were prone to fight with each other and assault the detention officers.

“It was trying, but my good days outweighed my bad days,” Saunders says. “You learn people skills, you learn to trust your instincts. And so you learn how to communicate more effectively, too. Because if you can talk somebody out of something, or somebody down from something, that was a good day.”

Saunders rose to the rank of captain and retired in August 2021. Now she enjoys the freedom to spend time with her grandchildren and participate in water aerobics, line dancing, and other activities. She thinks that if she had stayed in the private sector, she would have worked her way up to better pay and gotten investment benefits for retirement. But Saunders says the government’s pension benefits are an important tool to attract good people and persuade them to stay for the long term.

“(When benefits are reduced) I think you end up having a higher turnover rate,” she says, noting that’s a problem in a jail. Inmates quickly recognize new deputies and try to play psychological games with them. “They can read most new people like a book,” she says. “They know who’s afraid, they know who’s going to do the job. They know who they might approach, and then they know who not to approach.

“And so that turnover rate, when you lose that experience, you lose a lot. Because now you’ve got to train somebody to get up to their level of competence in order to do that job, in order to be successful at it.”

Chris Smoot: 46 years at the county courthouse

Chris Smoot joined the Cumberland County Clerk of Superior Court office in 1973 and retired in 2019, 46 years later. The hours were long, and when she started, the salaries were low. “So very low, it affects your Social Security,” Smoot says. She worked part-time jobs to pay down debts and build up savings.

“It really is hard for a woman, for a single person who doesn’t have people to share expenses with,” she says. “And that was my case. So I took extra care to plan for my retirement.”

Though Smoot worked her way up through the ranks, and for a time served as the interim Clerk of Superior Court when the elected clerk left mid-term, she says that in 46 years she never made more than $59,000 per year. Smoot says she’s grateful for the retirement health plan, because she uses that as supplemental health insurance to pay for things that Medicare doesn’t cover.

Employee turnover became challenging at the Clerk of Court office, Smoot says. Staffers need at least six months to get comfortable with new job duties, and she says cutting retirement benefits would make the turnover worse. Smoot thinks she wouldn’t have stayed 46 years, if not for the pension. “I wouldn’t have stuck it out,” she says.

State Health Plan Update


Spring 2024 Living Power Magazine

The State Health Plan (Plan) is transitioning from Blue Cross NC to Aetna beginning Jan. 1, 2025. As a reminder, a TPA, or third-party administrator, provides a comprehensive network of healthcare providers—including doctors, specialists, and hospitals—and processes claims for the Plan. The Plan has always had a TPA. Taxpayers like you pay the claims, not the TPA.

The Plan Board of Trustees sets Plan benefits and premiums, not the TPA. The TPA simply administers the Plan. This transition affects members enrolled in the Base PPO Plan (70/30), Enhanced PPO Plan (80/20), and High Deductible Health Plan, including those Medicare members on the Base PPO Plan (70/30). This will not impact Humana Medicare Advantage Plan members.

You may be wondering if you can keep your doctor. The good news is that Aetna has an extensive national and in-state provider network. Aetna reviewed millions of Plan claims processed over an entire year, and about 99% of those claims came from providers already in the Aetna network. Even so, providers don’t have to wait to make sure they continue to serve Plan members. Talk to your provider!

It’s important to stay connected this year to ensure you receive announcements and messages
regarding the State Health Plan!

  • Make sure you have your correct mailing address, email address, and phone number in eBenefits, the Plan’s enrollment system, which you can access on the Plan’s website at
  • Make sure your employer has the correct addresses, as well. If you are a retiree, your personal information needs to be current in ORBIT and eBenefits, as the two systems do not coordinate.
  • Sign up for the Plan’s monthly e-newsletter, Member Focus, on the Plan’s website at
  • Follow the State Health Plan on Facebook! Visit


As you become eligible for Medicare, you have some important decisions to make about your health coverage. The Plan is here to help you navigate your options. When considering your options, remember that timing is everything.

Don’t overlook your best option or miss an opportunity because you waited too long to take action. Attend a free, convenient online webinar so you can make informed and timely decisions regarding Medicare and how it impacts your health plan coverage. These webinars are designed specifically for the following individuals and typically last about two hours:

  • Turn 65 in the next two years
  • Work beyond age 65 and are planning for retirement
  • Turn 65 in the next two years and are already retired. Select the webinar date below that works best for you, then register by visiting the Plan website at and clicking on the blue box titled Outreach Events and Webinars.”

INSIDE NCRGEA’s Advocacy Goals

Spring 2024 Living Power Magazine

NC Legislature

Each year, NCRGEA develops a set of legislative or advocacy goals that guide the work of the Association in the General Assembly and with the Pension Systems’ Board of Trustees.

“While we don’t have a formal process for gathering information from our members, an important part of this process is listening to what our members say,” said Linda Suggs, chairperson of NCRGEA’s Government Relations Committee.
This input, combined with advice from the Association’s lobbyists, is the basis for the initial draft of the annual goals.

“Our lobbyists give the Government Relations Committee a draft of goals based on the key issues the General Assembly will be dealing with in the up-coming session,” explained Suggs. “We take a hard look at those, review what our members have said, and then forward to the Executive Committee a second draft. They edit that if they see fit, and forward their draft to the Board of Directors for final approval.”

Each member of NCRGEA’s Board is a retired state or local government employee, and they, like its members, are concerned about having a strong, stable pension system that its members can count on. “NCRGEA does not rank its goals, but getting a true COLA for state and local government retirees is always its number one priority,” says Suggs. “Keeping the pension system strong is right behind it.”

NCRGEA has many active programs and processes in place to achieve its annual goals, but to be even more effective, the Association needs the voice of its members to be heard in the General Assembly.

“We really need our members to be involved with the issues we are trying to achieve,” said Suggs. “One of the most important things is, they have to know who their representatives are. You’d be surprised at how many people can’t tell you who represents them in the General Assembly. On the NCRGEA webpage under the “Advocacy” tab, there is the “Find my NC Legislator” link to give you that information.

The second thing is, meet them. When they’re campaigning, go and meet them, listen to what they are saying, ask questions and get to know them. Politics is all about relationships. Develop relationships early so that when crunch time comes, you can call on them, and they will know who you are.”

“Third, use the tools on NCRGEA’s website, such as FastDemocracy. This tool puts all the information you need about your legislators at your fingertips, including their voting history and the committees they serve on. The better you know your legislators, the more confidently and effectively you can discuss issues with them.”


FastDemocracy also helps NCRGEA mobilize its members with “call for action” messages. “When the Association sends a call for action, open up the email,” stressed Suggs. “It will have a message that NCRGEA has crafted on the specific issue. You can personalize it if you want, but you don’t have to. Just fill in the box with your name and email address, hit “send,” and it will automatically go to your representative in the General Assembly. It’s that easy.

“For NCRGEA members, one of the most important races is the race for State Treasurer,” says Suggs. “Our state is one of only three states where the State Treasurer has total control on how the money in our pension funds is handled. We need to know what candidates’ top priorities would be if elected.

  • What they would do to make possible a COLA or bonus for members of TSERS and LGERS on a regular basis?
  • How they will protect and strengthen the pension system?

These are important questions for our next State Treasurer.

Lastly, be the first to congratulate the winner, even if you didn’t vote for them. Whether you voted for the winner or not, that person now will represent you in the General Assembly!

NCRGEA Advocacy Goals

1. Advocate for annual cost of living adjustments for all state and local government retirees.

2. Strengthen and protect the state’s defined benefit plan to attract and retain the best and brightest public servants.

3. Defend public sector benefits so all public sector retirees can participate in traditional retirement systems.

4. Ensure the State of North Carolina will continue to fulfill its constitutional and legal requirements to fully fund North Carolina Retirement Systems and the State Health Plan.

5. Expand the Bailey tax exemption to all state and local retirees and pursue other tax exemption opportunities for government retirees.

For more information
on NCRGEA’s advocacy goals and how to assist the Association in obtaining them, watch our February 7 Lunch and Learn webinar on our YouTube channel.


Spring 2024 Living Power Magazine

As a young professor at NC A&T State University, Dr. Samuel Moseley received an opportunity to travel to a conference that would help him advance his career in academia. But Moseley needed funding to make the trip possible. A colleague suggested he visit the North Carolina State Employees’ Credit Union (SECU) for help.

Dr Samuel Moseley

Moseley visited a branch to apply, and he was approved for a loan that would make it possible for him to attend the conference. “Being able to go to that conference, I was able to be more involved in my field and grow professionally,” Moseley says. “It allowed me to go on to be in a position where I could help others coming up behind me and help our students make an impact on the world.”

That kind of life-changing support happens every day at SECU. Be it a mortgage for a first-time home buyer, an auto loan, or even retirement planning advice, SECU works relentlessly to help its members meet their personal and financial goals.

Founded more than 85 years ago in 1937, SECU started with just 17 members and $437 in deposits. Since then, SECU has grown to the second-largest credit union in the United States with nearly 2.8 million members and more than $54 billion in assets. And SECU’s model of a not-for-profit, member-owned financial cooperative means that unlike most for-profit traditional banks, the interests of the members come first.

Bank Mission

SECU’s mission is “to be the trusted provider of financial services to every eligible member and to enhance the value of their lives and financial wellbeing while maintaining our fiscal strength.”

“Everything that we do is in the best interest of the member and our mission,” says Leigh Brady, president and CEO, SECU. “And that ultimately boils down to the fact that we want to help our members keep their money where it belongs—in their pocket.”

Community Focus

While SECU remains focused on its members, the SECU Foundation is dedicated to supporting local communities in North Carolina. Through the SECU Foundation, the organization promotes local and community development throughout the state by funding high-impact projects in the areas of housing, education, healthcare, and human services. Since 2004, the SECU Foundation has been funded through SECU members’ $1 per month checking account maintenance fee, which is allocated to the foundation.

And those dollars add up: Over the past 20 years, the foundation has awarded more than $258 million in scholarships, grants, and loans. That money funds initiatives such as teacher housing, hospice homes, and a robust scholarship program that supports students at North Carolina community colleges and universities in the UNC System.

“No other financial institution I know of is doing that kind of thing, going into the communities, building apartment buildings for teachers, contributing to an institution that assists persons with addiction in Greensboro,” Sibert says. “These are amazing things, and that’s where members are helping members.”

Both Sibert and Moseley say that sense of community and helping others makes banking at SECU a different experience—one that sees each individual member as valued and important, no matter how much money they have in their account.

SECU President Leigh Brady

SECU achieves that goal in a number of ways, from lower fees and competitive loan rates to a range of deposit accounts, along with lending, insurance, and investment services. Brady says financial education plays a major role in how SECU positions even those with shakier financial footing for success.

“We offer services such as financial counseling with loans,” she says. “And if our members get in dire straits, we work with them on things such as loan extensions, and we have a wonderful mortgage assistance program if they are having problems making payments.”

The SECU mortgage assistance program may include options such as payment amount modifications,
temporary payment deferment, and refinancing for members facing hardships that impact their ability to pay. And in addition, SECU assists members with services such as debt counseling, retirement planning, and even budgeting with tools like the Spending Plan Guideline, which helps members by breaking down their monthly expenses and suggesting ways to best allocate funds.

Dr. James Sibert has seen how those services can make a difference in the lives of members. The retired NC A&T administrator has served for many years on his local SECU branch Advisory Board, providing feedback on behalf of his fellow members. All 275 SECU branches have Advisory Boards with up to 12 member volunteers. “The credit union is a financial institution that is truly helping its members,” Sibert says.

James Sibert

“When you walk into the credit union, you get friendly people meeting you—people who desire to assist you in any way possible,” Sibert says. “They’re very sincere in helping you, and that member service means a lot to me—it really makes you feel good.”

More than 40 years after that first loan, Moseley says the role SECU has played in his and his family’s lives can’t be overstated. And he remains grateful for SECU’s support to this day.

“Whenever I’ve had a need, I’ve gone to the credit union,” he says. “I financed cars, I financed my home. The credit union has been good to my children, and it has always been good to me. So I’m very thankful for the credit union and how it treats members.”

North Carolina General Assembly Legislative Update: May 30, 2024

by NCRGEA Lobbyist Jessica Proctor

2024 Legislative Update

Legislators began the week with a busy three days of committee meetings and votes. The week stalled abruptly due to the death of Rick Moore, a King’s Mountain councilman and father to House Speaker Tim Moore. The Senate held committee meetings Tuesday but canceled meetings Wednesday and Thursday, as the late Mr. Moore’s funeral was held Wednesday, May 29. The House canceled its week Tuesday, including voting sessions previously scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday.


Currently, there are three bills appropriating both a percentage cost of living adjustment (COLA) and a lump sum appropriation. SB 805 and House companion bill 934, “Make State Employment Great Again”, has a one-time, $100,000,000 bonus line item for retirees S805v1.pdf (; H934v1.pdf ( House Bill 930 H930v1.pdf ( provides a 3 percent recurring adjustment for both state and local retirees, with a total price tag of $231,000,000. All three bills have passed first reading and are currently scheduled in the respective chamber’s rules committees.

Other Bills Affecting Retirees

Last week, three bills pertaining to retirees passed two committees and the House, with one sent to the Senate by special messenger. Two of the bills were technical. The other, HB 1020, Retirement Administrative Changes Act of 2024, has varied changes in current retirement policy. This includes expanding eligibility for participation in the state’s supplemental retirement plan (401k), tightening penalties for employers that submit late contributions, and ending retirement payments for persons also receiving subsequent severance.

In its original form, Section V of the bill pertained to tightening payroll and pension deduction requirements for both retiree and active associations, sunsetting groups that had: a) membership of less than 2,000 and b) had not deducted in December 2023. The NCRGEA Government Relations team and others worked together to have this language stricken from the bill. The bill is now in Rules and Operations and its latest edition may be found here: H1020v3.pdf (

House Bill 237, “Unmask Mobs and Criminals,” dramatically changed form from its original House version, only to have the House non-concur when the bill returned from Senate passage. While many provisions of the bill returned masking policy back to pre-COVID status, opponents of the bill say the bill reaches too far, restricting masks for persons with health issues. The bill is now considered dead, with opposition from both parties.

Another healthcare bill passed the Senate Healthcare Committee recently, and now rests in Senate Finance. HB 681: Healthcare Flexibility Act H681v2.pdf ( originally passed the House in 2023 with unanimous, bipartisan support. Its latest version includes revised physician interstate licensure compact language and adds other healthcare policy priorities of the Senate.

These include:

• Ability for nurse practitioners with 4,000 hours of practice experience to be eligible to apply for full practice authority.
• Prohibition of facility fees for treatments performed in a non-hospital setting.

While running skeletal sessions for the remainder of the week, the legislature will fully return Monday, June 3.

To learn more, use the NCRGEA Bill Tracker powered by FastDemocracy.

Don’t Let Scammers Break Your Account or Your Heart

by Attorney General Josh Stein | Spring 2024 Living Power Magazine

heart broken

Relationships bring joy and connection—but unfortunately, scammers love to prey on other people’s hope and happiness. They are adept at using sweetheart scams to rob people of their hard-earned money. The “sweetheart scam” is one of the most widely utilized modes of preying upon a victim for financial gain. In 2020, the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) received reports from 6,817 elderly victims who experienced over $281 million in losses to confidence fraud and romance scams. In 2023, we received 71 sweetheart scam complaints representing more than $2.3 million in total losses.

People make new friends and and dates online—that is part of life in 2024. But if you’re connecting with someone online, be careful. The person on your screen might be an imposter. In sweetheart scams, scammers often pretend to be someone you already know or someone you’re likely to connect with because of their appearance or shared interests. They’ll use these connections to start to form a bond with you, but only to steal your money.

Often, the person will claim to live overseas and have a good reason for why they are unable to see you in person. They might say they are a US citizen, but they are stationed on an oil rig, a military base, or other convenient excuse. They are overly friendly and often quick to profess their love or admiration, and they’ll message you often and be very communicative.

They won’t ask you for money at first. They’ll wait a few months until they’ve established the relationship, and then they’ll tell you about a problem they’re having that prevents them from coming back to the country. They might be dealing with a medical emergency, have a family member with health issues, not be able to afford lights, or some other problem. Whatever the reason, it will require money to solve, and they’ll ask you to send it. They’ll make promises about visiting you and getting married once they have the money and can resolve their problem.

Have your guard up when you’re talking to people online

Try to verify who they are before you start communicating with them. Remember that if an online love interest ever asks you for money, it’s almost always a scam. And if they ask you to pay with a gift card, wire transfer, or through cryptocurrency, it’s certainly a scam. Don’t make that payment or investment.

Unfortunately, sweetheart scams can be a gateway to other scam attempts. If a scammer can get money from you once, they will likely try to get money from you again. It’s important to put a stop to these scams the moment you become concerned—talk to someone you trust before you send money, or call your bank or my office at 1-877-5-NO-SCAM.

Sweetheart scams can be especially cruel because they don’t just target your wallet—they target your heart. It might be hard to talk about being the victim of a scam because you’re dealing with grief and heartbreak, as well. But scammers try to target all of us, and there’s no reason to be embarrassed over the actions of a criminal. Let my office know if you think you or someone you know has been the victim of a sweetheart scam by calling us at 1-877-5-NO-SCAM or online at

Don’t let a scammer break your bank account or your heart.