Bu Dr. Deryl Fulmer, Ph.D., NCRGEA Community Liaison
Fellow Retirees,
The NCRGEA is partnering with OATS (Older Americans Technology Services) and AARP (formerly the American Association of Retired Persons) on a Digital Literacy Project. So, why is this important? There are several reasons, but one important reason directly relates to healthcare, which is rapidly moving to a digital environment. It is becoming more necessary each day for retirees to be able to interact with our changing society with ease and to understand how to leverage technology to thrive. You will learn how to better use your phones, iPads, laptops, computers, etc. You will not want to miss this opportunity! Please look for the advertisement in this newsletter, on the NCRGEA Facebook page, and on the NCRGEA website.
News from District 6 Community Advisory Board:
On July 28, District 6 held a presentation via Zoom on “The Letter,” which is information to document and share with loved ones so they can manage your estate and final wishes in accordance with your instructions. We had an excellent turnout with close to 60 in attendance. NCRGEA Board members Jerry Pinkard presented and Libby
McAteer served as moderator. Tim O’Connell, executive director, and Karl Sanders, vice president of the Board of Directors, brought greetings. Additionally, Tim shared his vision and new direction of the NCRGEA.
Community Advisory Board (CAB) meetings occur twice per year in each district, and we are seeking CAB members to serve in their respective districts across the state. If you have ideas for your CAB or are interested in serving, please contact me at deryl@ncrgea.com. In the meantime, you can find information on your respective district page regarding meeting dates and other activities on the NCRGEA Districts page.
Get to Know the NCRGEA Trivia Game
The September Trivia game link will take you to the site, and you will also find it available on our website under the “News” tab and via Facebook. Our July $50 gift card winner is Jackie Rogers, from Southport, NC, Brunswick County (District 9). Jackie retired from the Brunswick County Department of Social Services in 2016 and is very active in District 9. Please find out more about Jackie in this newsletter and on Facebook. We are now looking for our September winner!
Trivia answers for July 2022:
Questions: NCRGEA members get exclusive access to benefits, discounts, programs, and services designed to do what? Name the four main benefit areas.
Answers: Improve the lives of retirees. District Connections, Government and Advocacy, Group Insurance Benefits, Retail, and Travel.
And finally, remember that our collective voices and our growth are important. Stay tuned and be on the lookout for all the new benefits and opportunities NCRGEA is offering. Be sure to check out the Active and Engaged member feature on Facebook and see your fellow members in action. Please contact me at deryl@ncrgea.com to see
how you can become active and engaged.
Picture of NCRGEA members participating in the Zoom session, “The Letter”, on July 28, 2022.