

NCRGEA District Community Connections is all about you and your quality of life in retirement. We are connecting with communities all across North Carolina to ensure you are living your best life in retirement. NCRGEA is divided into nine districts across the state and there is a Community Advisory Board (CAB) in each.

Find Your District

Locate your county on the map; the bold number will be your District.

Deryl Davis Fulmer, PhD., NCRGEA Community Liaison
email: deryl@NCRGEA.com  | phone: 919-980-6681

CABs offer you an opportunity to tell us how you want to experience retirement and to tell us about your interests. In addition, you will be able to discuss topics that are of importance to you in retirement. CABs meet once every six months, offer exciting presentations, and are led by your District directors. There are at least two Directors in each District, with each District being overseen by Deryl, your Community Liaison. 

Moreover, NCRGEA has embarked upon an initiative to engage our members and encourage them to be active. Thus, our Active and Engaged campaign has become popular and many of our members have already participated. Members are regularly featured on Facebook and in other communication channels. 

Remember that NCRGEA is for you! Become active and engaged with fellow retirees for your best life.

District News & Updates

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